Before coming here looking for an alternative solution, I thought to check out HostMantis. I have used them before and found their services good enough to be an affiliate. Performing a quick search, just now, tells me things may have changed. However, before conducting that search and before coming here looking for alternative solutions, I logged into my HostMantis account and found I have well over $100+ as an affiliate. More than enough to start something for my needs. I requested to withdraw my funds and they approved it. Wonderful, right? Right? Wrong. While they may have approved it, I suddenly found I could not log into my account. I attempted to reset my password (it is 500 random characters in length) but never received any e-mail. HostMantis has an option to log in using your Google Account, so I tried that and received the following message: ” Link Initiated! Please complete sign-in to associate this service with your existing account. You will only have to do this once. ” — This should have worked since it is the same email, either way. I have sent 2 tickets (the 2nd, just now) and have not heard back from HostMantis. Complete silence. Not even an email telling me they received my 1st ticket (or my 2nd just now), but I can follow the URL their website gave me (see attached).