Stumbled across this site from Googling… I was managing a clients domains, they were in my Godaddy account for years. We used to manage their website and hosting but they have now moved to Shopify (about 10 yrs ago) and manage it themselves. The domains are still in our account. In Dec 2020, the client asked to move them to their GoDaddy account. We requested the GoDaddy email address so we could start the transfer. At that time, also sent him the expiration dates for the two domains (4/22 and 5/22) so he was aware of their expiration dates. Never heard from him. Sent an invoice for the two domains in March 22. He replied back he wants to transfer them to his Godaddy account. Reminded him we still need the GoDaddy email address to start the transfer. Never heard from him again, and he failed to pay the invoice. The domains have now expired. Today he contacts me that the domains are down and he wants the domains transferred to his Godaddy account. I informed him that we never received the information to transfer the domain nor did we receive payment for the domains so they have expired and are no longer under our control. Now he wants to sue over it as it looks like someone else has purchased and parked the domains. I’m not sure how he would have a case since I requested the information twice and sent him an invoice. He neglected all of them. The domains would have been down since April and May. He would have been able to get them with a redemption fee but I guess only noticed it today. Anyone with similar experiences that could offer some insight?